The Curve Fashion Festival

The Curve Fashion Festival 2015

I'm sure if you are reading this you know how strong and supportive the plus size community are of one another. Of course there are friendship groups among us but that doesn't deter our sense of community. I for one hardly get chance to see a lot of the blogging babes as they don't live near or in London so when events are specifically created to endorse plus size fashion and body confidence it's a great opportunity for us all to meet whether we're new or old friends. 

I'm thankful for these events as not only have a worked some and met great industry professionals, but the main reason is I get the chance to see the people who support me and love me for me, and I also get to share that love in person. I've sadly not to been to as many events as I would like this year so I can't express how excited I am for the Curve festival.

My last event that I traveled to was Plus North. Not only did I walk away with a feeling of love and happiness but I walked away with 5 best friends (picture below) who I share everything with. I left the weekend feeling sad that I wasn't able to spend all my time with the amazing group of people but I can not wait to make the trip up to Manchester. 

The Curve Festival is a brand new event for us UK babes. It'll be taking place right in the center of Manchester on Saturday 26th September 2015.  There's expected to be over 50 high street and independent retailers trading on the day as well as catwalk shows, seminars and meet and greets with some of the industry's most influential people. These include Louise O'Reilly and Tess Holliday.

The event is timed straight after London Fashion Week September 2015 so for me it'll be an incredible month of fashion topped off by seeing all you incredible babes. If you're thinking of attending or know you are please comment below. I really hope to meet as many new faces as well as old friends. Would also love to maybe arrange a time for us to take advantage of the champagne bar and afternoon tea pop up restaurant :p.

Get your tickets here ladies 



  1. Sounds awesome

  2. I can't wait to go to Curve Fashion Festival! I've got my hands on a VIP ticket thanks to another lovely lady I know, so I'll hopefully be pretty close to all the action! See you there :)

    Lottie xx
