It was recently national women’s health and fitness day and to
celebrate I’m going to show my experience at the Fitness First branch in Bishopsgate.
Now I am not here to preach on health and size. I want to
make that clear now. If you follow me you’ll know I’m very strong on my approach
between the so called connections between knowing some ones health by looking
at them.
I personally love to keep fit and to build my strength both
physically and mentally. I really enjoy a weekly spin class that I attend on a
Monday evening which keeps my mind in check for the week. It regains my focus
and lets me take out any stress or frustrations.
I do love to swim and unfortunately don’t get to do it
enough. My number one excuse is the distance to where a pool is. My gym where I
spin doesn’t have a pool and not many gyms in London have that added bonus.
This is where Fitness first come in. With several gyms
dotted around central London the majority (from what I can see) have a pool.
The Bishopsgate branch has just had a brand new pool fitted
and I was given the chance to attend a class, with a added one night only pool
party after.
I used to attend aqua aerobic classes back in Wales and
loved them. Being in the water jumping about to music, I felt like I wasn’t
exercising but having a disco and boogie in the water. Nothing was too
strenuous, and I found I wasn’t fat shamed once.
So I was delighted to attend this class and use the
The class was taken by a woman named Desta, who I believe
takes classes at Fitness first and other pools across London. We were put to
our paces with exercises that used each part of our bodies. It was great to
feel comfortable and supported by the tutor and my fellow aerobic ladies.
Afterwards we sipped Fine cocktails (literally) out of flamingo straws
and lazed around on some incredibly cool inflatable’s (I failed miserably getting
on any of them.)
Before our class we were shown the facilities, and not once
did I feel judged or shamed. Their spin section looked incredible, and the gym
facilities looked maintained and brand spanking new. Their was a fun room
tucked away that at the time had a boot camp class in, but we were informed it
was studio with video classes taken interactively.
The changing room facilities were amazing. Modern, clean and
full functional. Hairdryers that worked, shower gel that smelt amazing, just
don’t forget a lock to lock shut the lockers.
There really wasn’t anything I could say that was bad. I
felt comfortable and refreshed after the class and the facilities were amazing.
I can’t wait to visit again and use the pool and hopefully other facilities.
Keep your eyes peeled on my twitter account this week for a chance to win a fantastic fitness first goodie bag with amazing gifts inside.

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