I love going to the cinema, but I love nothing more than
cwtching up to a film at home. You can have your pjs on and make up off, eat
allll the food you want and better still once the films finished you can take yourself
off to the comfort of your bed a few steps away.
I was invited along to celebrate the launch of the new Sony OLED TV , with Sony and Currys Pc World. The invite was for an immersive
movie night in and I for one was intrigued to find out what it entailed.
Welcomed by the amazing pr team, the setting was amazing. So
modern and chic, I wish I could live here.
To begin we had a talk and demonstration from the marketing
guys from Sony. I don’t actually own a tele anymore, not seeing the point when I
have my laptop (and not having the space) but the picture quality on this
screen was immense. It was also demonstrated how the speakers are built in to
the screen – technology these days. It is literally a cinema screen in one,
with no need for sound bars or faff. YES PLEASE.
Placed around the
room were clues for us to solve. Through the five senses of sound, touch,
smell, taste and sight some of the most-loved classic movies were brought to
life and we had to figure out which was which. Some easier than others, I
realised my movie knowledge is a lot to be desired. I had fun though trying to
guess each clue.
Amongst these clues were props, food, drink and
performances. Once settled with a cosmo – or five (any guesses what movie this was
a clue for?) we were treated to a fantastic performance which was performed alongside
some of the most iconic movie theme songs.
We were also treated to a murder mystery. The team Smoke
& Mirrors who were behind it were fantastic. Even with a bit of alcohol I
still get a bit weirded out by things like this, but the actos completely put
us at ease and I was surrounded by some lovely ladies who all helped myself not
feel so silly being fully emerged in the mystery.
As the night drew to an end I’m not sure I’ve been so
entertained or involved in an event, nor have I laughed my head off so much.
It’s definitely given me some ideas (minus the tele unless I’m
able to test run one) to create some fun movie nights with the girls. Simply
adding some food or drink that’s connected to the film in some way i.e Cosmos
for Sex and The City (did ya guess it?) just makes the whole experience fun and
interactive. And I mean who doesn’t want to pretend their part of Sex & The
City? (to my friends no I can’t afford to buy you each a pair of Mahlino
Blahniks shoes, the cosmos will do.)
Although I was saying my movie knowledge is a lot to be desired checking the answers we did get a lot right without cheating (okay we worked in a team.) It’s definitely
made me realise I have a lot more movies to watch and I think that I need a save
for a tv – Cheers for that one guys. I hate Winter but I’m fully ready for some
immersive night in’s with the girls.
Don't just take my advice though, take these tips and tricks and create your own cinema night in at home.
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